Monday, December 28, 2009

blueberry cheese cake

This is my second attempt making chilled cheese cake, thank God it turned out okay this time! Learned this recipe from the baking class and I think this is one of the recipes that I really like so far. The base is made of Digestive biscuits (crumbs), center is sponge cake,  top is cream cheese & whipped cream, and covered with blueberries filling.

9 X 4" blueberry cheese cake

Saturday, December 26, 2009

vanilla & chocolate cupcakes

I received a call last week from one of my regular customers. She asked for 2 boxes of cupcakes, 1 for her M-I-L, and 1 as a gift for a 'merisik' event. I've been out of practice lately since I've been concentrating on baking cakes for a couple of months now. Anyways, thanks Ezri for the order and the chance for me to brush up/practice on my "cupcake decorating" skill.

This one an additional order, for her family.

For her M-I-L

For 'merisik' event

Saturday, December 19, 2009

small cakes

Finally...I got the camera issue resolved! So, here are some cakes that I made yesterday for an event. These are plain sponge cake with buttercream icing. I've got to admit that to decorate a cake without sugarpaste really tough...because I don't really know how to shape the flowers with buttercream icing. The only flower that I know how to make is the rose.

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